So many people, young and old, fat or slim, white or black, are prone to snoring. Snoring is has been discovered to be produced by vibrations of the soft palate (muscular portion of the roof of the mouth). It is usually caused when breathing through the nose is blocked. Snoring is most likely to occur when a person sleeps on his or her back. Recent research indicates that a snore can be as loud as 69 decibels; by way of comparison, the loudness of a pneumatic drill is 70 to 90 decibels, which means that it could be uncomfortable in any sense and cause heartache for the affected. I want to quickly show you ….

Snoring during sleep

Why do people snore has been question asked by countless people for many years, and there are numerous devices invented to aid the elimination of snoring, and each of this devices have their demerits, when it comes to offering long term solution to snoring.

It is a known fact that men in most cases snore more often than women and overweight people have a tendency to snore more, as do people who lay on their back to sleep. The medical association research shows that there are approximately twenty percent of people in the United States who snore, which not only affects their sleep patterns but also disrupts the sleep of the bed partners.

Snoring noises are caused by vibrations of air passing over the soft tissue at the back of the throat. When a person has excess tissue on their palate, tonsils and uvula they can flap against each other during breathing which produces the sounds associated with snoring. This sound vibration results through the flow of air and the resultant flapping of the soft tissues.

Some times people also snore if there is an obstruction blocking the airways to the back of the throat. Nose polyps (which is a kind of growth in the internal of the nose region), may also cause a person to snore as they can block the air flow through the nose.

Research showed also that overweight people who have large neck muscles also have a tendency to snore as the extra amount of fat causes an obstructed airway as the tongue falls to the back of the throat during sleep.

Some people may have malformation in the lower jaw, either due to accident, or injury and it might have been inherited,this in itself may also cause a person to snore. Snoring for these people can often be prevented by surgical operations to correct the deformed jaw and re-align it with the upper jaw.

When somebody drinks alcohol in excessive amounts .it might definitely lead to snoring especially if the person is prone to snoring and has not been manifesting it. The main reason is that alcohol causes the throat muscles to relax as well as the tongue, which drops to the back of the throat and causes an obstructed airway, the air passing over the back of the tongue causes it to vibrate and the familiar noises of snoring are produced.

A change of life style may also help to reduce snoring . there are definitely some habit patterns that could aid or reduce drastically the snoring problem.one of them has to be your dieting and your sleep positions, you have to pay attention to healthy food to reduces any chances of stimulating the pattern of snoring. moreso, you have to find a suitable sleep position that will help your body relax and prevent excessive snoring, in all there is the new discovery which will add value to your sleep and make your partner happy