Why You Snore - It's Probably Your Lifestyle

Why You Snore

Snoring. We really don't want to acknowledge doing it, however sometimes we've got to own up and begin trying to do something about it.

It's a strange one. We don't really experience what's happening and yet to our sleeping companions, it's frequently virtually intolerable. It's that much more difficult to empathise with if they don't snore, therefore it probably will require a little longer for us to take action.

There are many products available on the market to help you, however, many won't repair the problem once and for all.

Let's take a look at why you snore.

Poor Sleeping Position

You are much more likely to snore while sleeping on your back.

I understand you aren't really in control of whether or not you roll about when you're actually asleep, but what will help slightly is to make sure that you go to sleep laying on your side.

Additionally ensure that your head is raised. Sleeping with your head back can promote snoring.

You are Overweight

Being overweight can be a massive element in snoring.

If you have excess body fat, there will be a fair amount on your neck and throat areas, which could distort the form of the throat and make you snore.

Try to eat earlier through the evening, which also can help your metabolism melt away calories and fat more effectively.

Get out there and carry out some aerobic exercise, something to get the blood pumping and also you taking some deep breaths.

You'll breathe better and easier and with the additional benefit that being tired from physical exercise will help you sleep.


A glass of wine or two isn't likely to make a lot of difference. A bottle or 2 will have you waking the neighbors.

Endeavor to limit your alcohol consumption. This is my big problem. I would be tipsy and fall asleep (at times with my clothing on!) and snore like a mad-man. Being inebriated it was subsequently difficult to wake me.

Frequently I would awaken in the morning, bewildered, sprawled across the bed, my wife nowhere to be seen as she is sleeping in the spare room and realise. 'Uh-oh, I'm gonna be in big trouble.'

While this is much more about stopping snoring than liquor, lowering your alcohol intake is likely to make an enormous difference.


A total no-no if you wish to stop snoring.

Stopping is easier than ever since it is so unfashionable.

Using tobacco restricts your breathing passages and reduces your blood circulation. Both of those are likely to make it more difficult to breathe while you sleep, making your odds of snoring, and loudly, much bigger.

It is a horrid health risk, and also to be frank, you will constantly snore as long as you carry on smoking.

You Have a Poor Sleeping Routine

If you sleep at irregular times you will not be able to get an even sleeping pattern going.

You will need this simply because, the more tired you happen to be, the more you'll snore. And when your snoring coincides with a time of light sleep for your better half, they'll never sleep well.

The easiest way of setting up a decent sleeping pattern is this:

Always rise at the same time every single day, without fail

Follow your body clock. When it says you're tired, go to bed

Simple hey? If you do this, you will get the actual amount of sleep you need, severely decreasing the snoring you do.

Giving advice is always easier than taking action.