Snoring Chin Strap - Clinical Trials Results In Effective Anti-Snoring SolutionNearly 40 million Americans suffer from some form of sleep disorder. Generally, with snoring being the number one culprit in many households. It is important to know and understand why people tend to snore when they sleep at night. When the jaw opens and the tongue falls into the back of the throat, the airway narrows forcing air through the small opening. This creates vibrations in the throat known as snoring. Like allergies, you probably weren't born with a snore. Rather, you acquired it over time. Through clinical trials snoring research has shown that a chin strap (worn during sleep time) that keeps the lower jaw in an upward position increases the three dimensional space in the airway tube which reduces air velocity and soft tissue vibration. By increasing the volumetric capacity of the airway and preventing soft tissue vibrations, snoring can be eliminated or substantially reduced. A chin strap can hold the lower jaw in a position so that it does not fall backwards/down during the night and cause the airway to collapse. Maintaining a clear airway improves breathing and reduces snoring. After a 2 year study, patients participated in a sleep study using a chin strap had significant results. Some of the patients experienced; a reduction in the number of snoring and OSA episodes and had lowered their blood pressure. Thus, many experienced an increase in their oxygen level. However apart from several reviews and feedback saying that chin straps don't really work. The truth is it might work for some individuals but not to others. This really means, if you plan to use a chin strap to avoid snoring, use them a few times and decide afterward whether you must seek medical attention or use another device. Some individuals find it difficult to adjust towards the strap particularly if they've been frequent and heavy snorers for long. Since they've been employed to breathing using their mouth, adjusting to this strap may be a real challenge. It can give them difficult time breathing, and in worst case, impair their breathing. This really is only one typical trouble associated with chin straps; aside from the fact that you'd appear to look really funny when you're wearing them to sleep, which isn't actually an essential disadvantage. It doesn't matter; there hasn't really been any major negative feedback about using chin strap to prevent snoring besides the adjustment which anyone would you have to go through. The excellent point about wearing chin straps is that it will greatly decrease your snoring and you're able to obtain enough sleep. |