Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Unfortunately snoring and sleep apnea can occur in anybody, in any age group, and of any sex, and can be very disruptive to partners. Most people who snore do not have any serious medical condition and often do not wake.
Because of the disruption to our partners sleep we often feel we should make the effort to look for treatments for snoring and sleep apnea.

There are several ways to overcome snoring and sleep apnea.

1.Surgically.There are many procedures that can be carried out. The more common surgeries performed are Laser-Assited Uvulopalatatoplasty where simple surgery removes tissue from the back of the throat. Tracheostomy: This is only performed in severe cases due to undesirable side-effects. Radiofreqency Ablation; Treatment is efficetive for mild obstructive sleep apnea. Uvulopalatophryngoplasty which removes tissue and uvula from the back of the throat thus increasing the total width of your throat. Diathermy Palatoplasty again removes tissue from the back of your throat and only requires local anesthesia. The removal of tonsils and adenoids offers some relief to children.

2.Nasal sprays.In some people, snoring is brought on by allergies. Individuals can react very severely to common triggers such as pollen, tree cutting, cut grass, winter cold dry air, smog and a whole host of indoor allergens including cat fur, house dust mites, and just a general lack of fresh air. Snoring in these people is most commonly due to nasal congestion because of the airway reacting to the allergen, causing an increase in mucus and, thus, narrowing of the airways. To overcome sleep apnea caused by allergies, one will need to monitor when the problem occurs i.e. is there an increase in pollen, lack of fresh air etc. Nasal sprays can in some cases greatly reduce the effects of allergies.

3.Nasal Strips and Nasal Drops.Snorers who suffer from nasal congestion usually find relief in nasal strips. Nasal strips and septum devices open airway blockages in obstructive sleep apnea patients. Nasal drops reduce nasal secretions, effectively widening the nasal passages.

4.The Pillar System.The Pillar System has three small polyester inserts which harden and support the throat palate. This reduces vibration and, as a result, snoring. This is the same as the Palatal Restoration Procedure. As with any therapy that invades the body, some people find this procedure uncomfortable and cumbersome.

5.Use of Aromatic Oils.The use of aromatic oils can be effective. Some are sold with a jet diffuser which helps disperse the oil into a fine mist thus allowing the aerosolized oil to work its way deeper into your airways. They can also be effective when a few drops are applied to ones neck or nose.

6.Smoking and Alcohol.In one sentence, smoking is a no-no. Smoking is a stimulant which can cause your brain cells to over-react. Some people are so sensitive that having a smoke before bed causes insomnia. A major cause of snoring is alcohol. Too much alcohol has the effect of relaxing the muscles in the human body, including all the soft tissues of the mouth and throat thus causing one to snore.

7.Overweight or Obese.People who are overweight, especially around the region of the neck, have an increased risk of sleep apnea. Losing weight and a regular and healthy diet and exercise can help a person sleep more soundly which also leads to less snoring.

As seen there are many ways to overcome Sleep Apnea, but there are many more causes and cures. Whilst most snoring is benign, very severe snoring can lead to serious sleeping disorders.

How many times have you lain awake until the wee hours trying to get some much needed rest, only to be kept awake by your partner's snoring?

This happens all to often and while we may find the snoring culprit the butt of many jokes, it really is no laughing matter.

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