Know your salmon

Today salmon is the name of many species of fish belonging to the family Salmonidae. Consumers should know that other fish of this family are known as trout. Consumers will find the difference in the lives of salmon and trout as salmon carries a migratory life than the residential behaviour of trout. Consumers should know that salmon lives in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and Great Lakes. Salmon are anadromous as born in fresh water, migrating to the ocean and later returns to the fresh water reproduction in the world. Salmon was crossing-over to several streams allowing salmon to make new streams crowdy such as those emerging as a glacier retreats. In many species of Pacific salmon the mature individuals die within a few days or few of them during spawning which is a trait called as semelparity.

In several species of the salmon that survives to spawn more than once and the post-spawning mortality is quite large. Consumers should know that for laying the roe, the female salmon makes the usage of tail, creating low pressure zone, lifting gravel for swepting downstream, excavating the shallow depression also called as redd.  These salmon redd mostly carries eggs more than five thousand covering area of 30 square feet. Salmon eggs mostly ranges from orange to red in color in the market.

Lots of males meets the female mostly in her redd, depositing his sperm, and milting over the roe at the place. Afterwards the female covers the eggs moving the gravel at edge of the depression before planning to make another redd. The female salmon will make atleast 7 redds before the supply of eggs got finished. After completing this process, the salmon dies within the period of spawning at that place. Consumers should know that salmon takes time of atleast five years in the open ocean for  becoming sexually mature. Consumers will find that the adult salmon returning to its natal stream to spawn in the sea. Consumers will find that the atlantic salmon spend four years in the sea and when the fish feeding is over it is known as grilse in UK, Ireland, and other nations.