Your Daytime Sleepiness and Snoring Can Be Obstructive Sleep Apnea

There's nothing to be ashamed of, everyone snores at different times in our sleeping lives. The only time to worry is when snoring becomes regular, every night, every sleeping time or nap at the office, at any sleeping position. This is the time it becomes abnormal snoring. Yes, this is the one that actually needs medical attention. Now, it doesn't end there. If you feel sleepy during the day even you get enough hours of sleep, it might be intelligent to consider the possibility of Obstructive apnea.

Obstructive apnea is a really common type of sleep apnea. It is caused by physical obstruction, partially, upon sleeping. Apnea literally means absence of breath. Usually, the individual with this condition doesn't notice it during sleep and he or she may not be aware of it even right after sleeping. The usual people who detect obstructive apneas are partners or roommates of the patient.

Obstructive sleep apnea is mainly characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness and is usually represented by loud snoring followed by long breathless moments and then gasps afterwards. Minor symptoms include, headache, forgetfulness, decreased sexual drive, irritability, depression, heavy night sweats, and Gastro Esophageal Acid Reflux Disease or GERD.

At some cases, obstructive apnea can be related to unexplained weight gain and sometimes, insomnia. It can be related but not limited to obesity, but studies show that most who suffer obesity also have obstructive apnea symptoms. Some who are experiencing obstructive sleep apnea or OSA are those who have normal BMI but with significant and sudden decreased on their indices causing their airway to collapse while asleep. Hypoxia (oxygen deprivation) in the brain causes the hippocampus of the brain to atrophy thereby making an individual suffer from difficulty on non verbal aspects and executive functions.

Polysomnography and home oximetry are some of the diagnostic procedures for confirming obstructive sleep apnea.  They basically monitor the airflow of the body while sleeping. Apart from that, diagnosis can be a combination of these tests plus analysis of patient's history.

There are curable treatments for sleep apnea but none of them is a guarantee for each patient. Depending on the severity and cause of the obstruction, some would be required to modify their lifestyle, quit smoking and avoid muscle relaxant such as sedatives and alcohol to prevent their airway from collapsing. Some manage it with special pillows or oral device to keep the airway open. Moreover, the doctor can prescribe the CPAP or the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure where air pressure is blown from the mask through the airway to keep it open. It takes a combination of these to actually cure Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Healthy living means not only healthy activities and healthy eating but also healthy sleep. If you suspect you have obstructive apnea, ask your physician about OSA, now.