Improve Your Health While You Sleep!To have the health of your dreams, you need to spend more time dreaming. Research shows that one of the best ways to improve your health tomorrow is to get a good night's sleep tonight – at least 7 – 8.5 hours. That may sound simple enough, but the fact is that Americans have racked up a huge "sleep debt" through the years. On average, people living in the United States get at least one hour less sleep per night than they did 20 years ago. After several days, weeks or months of sleep debt, we have trouble concentrating and making important decisions about everything from our job to homework and paying bills. The director of the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research in Bethesda, Maryland was recently quoted as saying that sleep is just as important to our overall health as a healthy diet and exercise. Sleep deprivation has been linked to many health-related problems including chronic fatigue and obesity. It's also blamed for an increased risk of causing an auto accident. You can't do your best driving on the road without a good night's sleep! Sleep is without a doubt one of the most important aspects of our daily routine as far as the maintenance of health and prevention of disease is concerned. After all, sleep is when the body regenerates itself, thereby making it ready for a whole new day of activity. It gives your body a chance to rebalance itself. People who sleep well feel better, look younger, live longer, and are more energized and motivated throughout every physical and mental challenge of every day. If the body is deprived of sleep, even a little bit, a person's overall degree of health can easily become compromised without them even knowing it. When you wake up tired, you feel irritated through the day. Combine a lack of sleep with a high level of stress and we start to make mistakes and forget things. You can't "burn the candle at both ends" and do your best in life. Sleep is not a luxury. It is crucial, and chronic sleep deprivation is dangerous. Sleep is an essential key to super health. Make it a priority in your life. Natural Remedies to Help With Sleep • Melatonin helps to make us drowsy and regulate sleep. Sleeping in total darkness aids in the body's natural production of melatonin, which is released by the pineal gland from within the center of the brain when one is asleep. One way that many people have found to improve their sleep is to take melatonin in supplement form (I buy my melatonin from Life Extension Foundation – ). Getting Started—Sleep Recommended: 7 to 8.5 hours 1. Are you preparing properly for sleep with a healthy diet and limiting fluids and caffeine prior to bedtime? Here's to your Super Health! K.C. Craichy |