Secrets to Younger Looking Skin

No one can stop old age. It catches up with everyone sooner or later. But old age can be a blessing rather than a curse if you know how to look young. Here are some tips to push back the hands of time and avoid wrinkles.

Drink enough liquids. Skin becomes dry and wrinkled if you lack fluids. However, not all fluids are good for you. Experts say the best one is water since it flushes out harmful toxins from the body and keeps skin beautiful inside and out.

“Dry skin can make wrinkles appear deeper and you a little older. But knocking back a beer or sipping on soup isn’t the best way to keep cells hydrated and skin plumper and smoother-looking, some experts say. Water is the clear, refreshing beverage of choice. Helping to usher nutrients in and toxins out, six to eight glasses of water daily not only keep skin hydrated, they even encourage you to sweat more efficiently - helping skin stay cleaner and clearer,” according to WebMD.

Take shorter baths. A long hot bath may sound like relaxing way to kill time. True, it may soothe the soul but it can harm the skin in the long run. Hot water strips the skin of its natural oils and leaves it dry and wrinkled. You’re better off spending quality time elsewhere.

“Take five to 10 minute showers or baths with warm water, pat skin dry afterward, then smooth on moisturizer,’ said WebMD.

Don’t forget to moisturize. Oily skin may protect you from old age but you still need to moisturize. Do this after washing your face with plain soap and water. Don’t let scent or price be your guide in picking the right moisturizer. Instead choose one that won’t clog your pores and give you a bad case of acne. You might also consider buying a moisturizer that protects you from the sun as well. That way, you’ll be doing your skin a favor.

Get enough fat in your diet. You’ve all heard that fat is bad for you and can lead to all sorts of diseases. Fat-rich diets are also mistakenly blamed for greasy skin and outbreaks of acne. But there is such a thing as healthy fat and it should be part of a balanced diet. Incorporating fat in your diet is good for your skin.

“A healthy, skin-friendly diet includes proteins, carbs, and good-for-you fats like omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. These powerhouse fats not only help produce the skin’s natural oil barrier (helping to keep skin hydrated, plumper, and younger-looking), they may also reduce the inflammation associated with acne. Most of us get plenty of omega-6s (found in baked goods, grains, and other sources), but are short on omega-3s, found in salmon, flax, walnuts, soy, fortified eggs and other foods,” revealed WebMD.

Use the right wrinkle fighter. Not all anti-aging products are created equal. And when it comes to fighting wrinkles, some products simply can’t deliver because they don’t have the right active ingredients. With Dermaxin, you get powerful age-repairing nutrients that eliminate wrinkles and other signs of aging. For more information, check out .