Dangers of Sleep Deprivation-Why Getting 8 Hours a Night Should be a PriorityAre you getting enough sleep? New studies are finding an alarming connection between our sleep deprived lifestyles and the increase in heart disease, high blood pressure and weight gain. Getting the right amount of sleep that your body needs can have many positive effects on your overall well being. Your heart rate and your blood pressure are both at their lowest while you sleep. This down time is important when it comes to reducing your bodies overall stress levels. Sleeping longer hours will greatly reduce your chances of suffering heart attacks. Clinical studies at the North Western University of Chicago have shown that sleep deprived men produce less than half the antibodies of those getting a full nights sleep. These antibodies are your body's defense against disease and promote effective immune system function. This could explain why people who are limited to 5 hours or less per night report an increased rate of headaches and intestinal disorders. It's no wonder we look terrible after a bad nights sleep. Growth hormones are another factor in the equation. These hormones are produced more while we rest and keep us looking young and healthy by increasing muscle mass and rejuvenating the skin. Insomnia is a depressing reality for all too many of us. This condition causes an increased production of stress hormones which puts your body in a hyper aroused state and leads to even less sleep. This vicious cycle can causes a quick spiraling into depression. Also fascinating is the link between sleep deprivation and weight gain. Our metabolic rate drops considerably when we don't get enough sleep and at the same time our appetite increases. Leptin the hormone that induces a full feeling is reduced and Grehlin the hormone that makes you experience hunger increases. Your food choices are also skewered towards high carb high sugar foods when you don't get enough down time. So for better overall health make getting at least eight hours of sleep your priority. Roland Poitevin is a dedicated writer with a passion for business and environmental issues. You can check out his new website at Talalay Latex Mattress which helps people find the best Latex Mattresses and also reviews Organic Latex Mattress and information they are looking for relating to this subject. |