Zippered Mattress Covers Do More Than Stop Dust Mites

For years we pretty much just sold our zippered mattress covers to our customers who suffered from allergies. Not anymore. If you have allergies, MCS, Psoriasis, bed bugs, incontinence or just want a cleaner bed a zippered mattress cover is what you need.

It use to be the only people who covered their mattress was someone who had been to the doctor and had been diagnosed with allergies or asthma. Allergies to dust mites is still one of the most common allergies and zippered mattress covers is still the most effective way to solve the problem. A covered mattress stops 95+ percent of the allergens.

With the increased problem of bed bug infestation more and more people are putting zippered covers on their mattress as a preventative measure in case a bed bug ever gets into their home. We wrote an entire article about bed bugs and our line of bed bug mattress covers . One thing to keep in mind is you really need to use a cover made with a membrane fabric if your worried about bed bugs.

Many people who suffer from psoriasis, a chronic skin condition, find that the mattress and pillow covers help them control some of the itchiness and redness associated with psoriasis. The zippered covers also help to keep the lotions many use off the mattress itself.

MCS, multiple chemical sensitivity, patients also cover their mattress for fear of exposure to chemicals that are used in making a mattress. Mattresses can be made with polyurethane foam, a petroleum-based material that emits VOC'S,volatile organic compounds, that can cause respiratory problems and skin irritation. Formaldehyde, pesticides (used on the cotton batting), and flame-retardant chemicals, which can cause cancer and nervous-system disorders.  We have had many memory foam mattress owners call because they can't sleep with the smell.

The membrane fabric zippered mattress covers have been used for years on children's beds due to bed-wetting. Now we are seeing parents use them on their kid's beds, child to college age, just because it keeps the spilt glass of water, tea or coke from soaking the mattress. We put them on our daughters mattress when she moved into her college apartment. No telling what was in that mattress.

Bottom line is even if you don't have allergies having your mattress covered with a zippered cover is a good thing. I read a study a few years back that a mattress left uncovered for 12 years will doubli in weight. Pretty gross if you ask me.