The Effect That Lack of Sleep Can Have on Emotional and Physical Health

Most Americans are suffering from lack of sleep .  At the beginning of the last Century, we all enjoyed ten hours sleep per night but now that has gradually reduced until now we have an average 6.9 hours sleep on weeknights and 7.5 on weekends.  An amazing 74% of adults experience sleeping difficulties during the week, with 39% managing less than seven hours each week night.  More than one adult in three are so tired during the day that their daily activities are affected.

The main problem is that we have increased the amount of time we spend each week working, reducing our leisure time.  As our leisure time is consequently reduced by our need to perform chores and household duties in that time set aside for our social entertainment, we suffer from sleep deprivation more and more.

Less sleep means more stress, which is known to be the main cause of sleeplessness and this can lead to physical illness.  More than 51% of adults claim that stress disturbs their sleep, according to a survey by the Better Sleep Council which analysed 2,000 people and their sleeping patterns.

Our moods can be affected by changing seasons and the amount of light we are exposed to as a result.  Some people who suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affected Disorder) might not get enough sleep and also be prone to general ill health which can affect our ability to sleep well.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) also affects 18 million Americans, 90 – 05% of whom remain undiagnosed as they are unaware that are suffering with OSA, which causes a sleeper to cease breathing for between 10 and 120 second pauses hundreds of times throughout the night.  The disorder is featured by heavy snoring; exhaustion during daylight hours; sometimes an inability to remain awake; poor memory; possibly depression.

OSA can lead to some serious diseases and disorders, not the least of which are cardio vascular diseases; Type 2 Diabetes; stroke and high blood pressure.  The symptoms of OSA lead to road traffic accidents as sufferers are prone to falling asleep while driving.  OSA can affect every area of a person’s life, which is why sleep testing is imperative to ascertain whether sleep apnea is present, especially for those displaying the tell tale symptoms of snoring and extreme daytime fatigue.

Treatment for sleep apnea is easily available through the Aviisha Medical Wellness Institute.  Dr Avi, Director of the Institute, says: “It’s important to remember that improving the quality of your sleep can have a major impact on your stress levels, your immune system, your mood, and your ability to function at your best at all times. While we can’t always control the stressors in our lives, getting tested and treated for sleep apnea is something we can all do to sleep and feel better.”