Success Of The Stop Snoring Program

One of my patients who used the stop snoring program described me in writing about the success of it.

My patient had felt that she snored only when she developed sensitivity because of the identifications. she had a rigid neck,breathed from her mouth and had the problem of oozing phlegm.

During breakfast she thanked her husband for tolerating her allergic snoring. He complained that she snored constantly.

Her husband due to the noisy snoring slept in other places. She was quite ashamed of her snoring activity. But she had other thoughts raising in her mind which was about her father's sleep apnea. The sleep apnea is a condition in which the patient does not breathe and finds trouble in it. This is seriously a problem rather than a shame.

The doctors asked whether she had put on weight from the previous year and the increase in weight, and if she had blood pressure, the hours of sleep and problems found in paying attention to work. She was questioned by the doctors this way.

In fact, she had gained about 25 pounds over the last year which wasn't coming off. She didn't have a history of high blood pressure so she was surprised when he told her that her reading was high. She was tired during the day and did have difficulty concentrating. She had simply chalked this up to getting older.

Her respiratory system blocked the air and did not allow air to pass through the lungs and restricted the blood flow and oxygen. When she was examined for a sleep study she did not have serious issues. She was found to have mild sleep apnea disorder.

The device called (CPAP) was suggested which drives oxygen to get into the respiratory area and supplies enough of it. she was also asked to lose weight.

She was not satisfied with the treatment as she had to tour for work. She had to pack it and felt it time consuming. But this was the only thing to cure the snoring/mild sleep apnea. She wanted to go for a natural solution.

She tried both of my Weight Loss Breeze program and my Stop Snoring program. The breathing and other physical exercises were easy to do and it cured the illness. The doctors were not able to quarrel over this.

If you have the problems of mild sleep apnea or snoring I suggest my Stop Snoring Program today