Women often keep quiet about their snoring problemsPossibly it is because women have been brought up with certain notions of what it takes to be feminine and stylish, and snoring certainly doesn't factor into either of those categories. Yet, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), nearly everyone snores occasionally and about 24% of adult women are habitual snorers. Snoring is even more prevalent as women age, and it may increase during pregnancy. Loud and frequent snoring may be symptomatic of a common sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea. It occurs when the muscles relax during sleep. This causes soft tissue in the back of the throat to collapse and block the upper airway. As a result, the snorer stops breathing several times each hour, sometimes amounting to hundreds of times each night. The pauses in breathing can cause drastic changes in oxygen levels and very fragmented sleep. This puts an enormous strain on your heart and can lead to an increase in your heart rate. Recent research shows links between sleep apnea and a host of other disorders and diseases. These include congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes. Women lose out on more than sleep. Dr. Collop says that when it comes to sleep apnea and women, the medical community may be overlooking the problem. "The studies show that the number of men who are evaluated in a sleep clinic, compared to women, are eight or nine to one," she said. Yet, in reality, the ratio of male to female snorers is three to one. Dr Collop cites numerous reasons for this disparity. Among them is that the stigma of snoring keeps many women from seeking medical help. Plus the fact that men seem to sleep more deeply than women and so are less likely to notice when their bed partner snores or stops breathing during the night. As a result, women may be unaware of the severity of their breathing problems during sleep and therefore never mention this to their doctor when discussing other health issues. Just make the problem go away If women who snore want to feel better, it's time they started talking. |