Insomnia Causes & What Not To Do To Get More Sleep

Today, we are going to look at some insomnia causes.

Insomnia is often related to a disorder that is emotional or neurological. Sleep problems can also be related to a different type of sleeping problem. Emotional disorders that can lead to insomnia include depression, anxiety, and post traumatic stress disorder. Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease are also insomnia causes, those these have to do with neurological disorders.

Some of the other diseases and conditions which are insomnia causes include:

* Chronic pain, often related to arthritis and headache disorders
* Trouble breathing, such as asthma or heart failure
* A thyroid that is overactive
* Gastrointestinal disorders, such as heartburn
* Stroke

As we mentioned, some insomnia causes are related to sleep disorders, such as restless legs syndrome. Secondary insomnia can also be brought on by medicine or substances that are commonly used, including:

* Stimulants, namely caffeine
* Nicotine products, namely tobacco
* Alcohol and other types of sedatives
* Asthma medicines and allergy and cold medicines
* Medicines that are used to treat heart conditions (beta blockers)

If you are having trouble sleeping, and you consume any of the above products that you can do without, by all means, cut them out. This should help stop your insomnia.

As we continue to look at insomnia causes, let's look at the option that many people choose, which is sleep medication. I cannot begin to tell you what a bad idea this is. They are highly addictive, come with lots of side effects, and they do not refresh you at all. When you take sleeping pills, you function during the day the same as if you had gotten no sleep at all.

There are lots of insomnia causes , but fortunately, there are also lots of cures. The book Stop Insomnia has a whole list you can take advantage of to get more sleep tonight. Click here to check it out