Tips To Fall Asleep - My Tips To Fall Asleep

These tips to fall asleep are my own ideas, and I use one or more of them on a regular basis, as occasion demands, to help get me to sleep.

1. Deep breathing. As you lie on the bed, practice breathing in slowly. As you do so, push your stomach gently out and continue to breathe in until your lungs are full. Don't force anything, just breathe in gently and slowly, starting from the diaphragm and working upwards. As you exhale, try to take the same length of time as it took you to breathe in.

This exercise teaches you to slow your breathing down, and the idea is based on the yoga practice of complete breathing. If you are interested in learning more about complete breathing and the positive health benefits of practising it, just follow the links. Most of us only take shallow breaths, so this way of taking your breath feels different if you have not tried it before.

I was intrigued by this way of breathing some twenty years ago, and have practised it occasionally since. When I do so, I feel the benefit to my health and well being. I am not claiming it alone helps me sleep, but it might contribute. Who knows?

2. Relaxation. Becoming relaxed in your body, and mind, before trying to go to sleep does help. While the mind has been dealt with above, the body can be helped to relax in ways that work just for you. For example, if a hot drink works, that then is the solution for you. It could be that herbal tea does it for you. Chamomile tea is reputed to help you sleep, but, as one who has tried it, I have to say, it made no difference to me.

3. Don't subject yourself to bright light late at night. Have you noticed how the later it gets at night, and generally the more tired you become, the more bright light starts to disturb you? That's normal, as you need darkness to fall asleep. That's why it gets dark at night, which is when most people sleep.

4. The same goes for noise. Too much of that late at night is mentally disturbing, as the mind needs to be still in order to get to sleep. I find that, for the sake of ten minutes or so, it is worthwhile trying to empty the mind completely of all thoughts. It can be done, with practice.

And, in order for this to work for you, you need to rationalize that the mind is just a repository of ideas and notions competing for your attention, and you are well capable of switching it off, just light switching off an electric light switch. You might believe, as I did, there are some ideas you just cannot let go of, because they are so important. Trust me, they are not.

I hope thesetips to fall asleephelp you to sleep better.