Trouble Sleeping? Three Things You Can Do To Get More RestIf you experience trouble sleeping, then you are certainly not alone. There are a lot of reasons why people have trouble sleeping, but it can often be difficult to figure out exactly why. If you have a mind that is overactive, this can be one of the primary insomnia triggers. Often when we lie down and try to go to sleep, we recap the current day and look forward to the next. If you are really stressed, this can make it especially hard to sleep. But what you should really do is shut off your mind. Try to think of nothing, and you know what will happen? You really will think of nothing! Try it, and see what I mean. Here is another reason why you may experience trouble sleeping. Your internal clock may be disturbed. A lot of people stay out late on weekends drinking, but they go to bed a few hours earlier during the week. Because of this, the body's internal clock is disturbed. (The alcohol also impedes sleep too). If you are having trouble sleeping, try sticking to the same exact sleep schedule each and every night. That includes the same bed time and the same wake up time. Food consumption can also play a role when you are having troubling sleeping. If you are eating too close to bedtime, this is not good, because your food will not be completely digested, and this disrupts sleep. On the other hand, if you are hungry before bed, you probably will have trouble falling asleep, and you may wake up starving. So, try to have something to eat a couple of hours before bed (but nothing too heavy). These are just three of the things you can change if you are having trouble sleeping . For a full list of insomnia cures, click here |