What Is Sleep Deprivation & How Can I End It?

Do you get enough sleep each night? If you ever feel drowsy while you are driving or you find yourself nodding off while you are watching television, you might be a victim of sleep deprivation. What is sleep deprivation? It is a condition where someone does not get the right amount of sleep and it can all aspects of their lives.

Why do we need to get sleep? Doctors and researchers still do not know the exact function of sleeping. But what is clear is that we all must have sleep. When we do not get enough of it, your mental, emotional, and physical well being can be affected. When you are sleep deprived, you feel fatigued, grouchy, tired, drowsy, and you suffer from confusion. Falling asleep while driving is one of the problems of sleep deprivation. Also, when you are sleep deprived, you make mistakes at your job, your creativity is diminished, and your brains process information in a slower manner. Studies have also found sleep deprivation can depress your immune system and lead a number of health issues both physical and mental.

What can you do to stop suffering from insomnia and get more sleep? The first thing to do is to stop your caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine intake. But what if you don't do any of these things? You should try to get regular exercise, but do it a few hours before you go to sleep. And finally, do something relaxing before you go to sleep. This can include sex.

There are all kinds of ways to stop sleep deprivation without the use of drugs. Check out the book Stop Insomnia by clicking here for a whole list of ideas