Trouble Sleeping? What Causes It, & What To Do About It

Are you consistently having trouble sleeping? If so, you may have insomnia.

Insomnia can cause some real problems because it can provoke certain daytime behaviors that only make the condition worse. People who do not get the right amount of sleep may try to fight their fatigue by using too much caffeine, by smoking, or by eating foods with lots of sugar. People who have trouble sleeping may be too tired to get exercise, and they may take naps in the afternoon that are too long, which impedes their ability to sleep at night. Insomnia is more common in people who are older, but it can affect anyone.

What causes insomnia? There are lots of reasons why you may have trouble sleeping. The biggest cause is stress and anxiety. It is often hard to shut your mind off when you sleep. Insomnia can also be caused by certain cold and allergy medications. These conditions are generally temporary. We are mainly concerned with chronic insomnia. This condition could be caused by a wide variety of mental and physical disorders such as depression, substance abuse, heart or kidney disease, arthritis, and chronic pain.

Many people who have trouble sleeping turn to medications like sleeping pills, but this is a bad idea. They are highly addictive, and can bring about side effects. Also, they do nothing to make you feel more rested during the day.

If you have trouble sleeping, one thing you can do is examine your lifestyle. Watch your caffeine and alcohol intake, and try to sleep at the same time every night.

If you are having trouble sleeping , you need to find natural cures that do not involve drugs. Click here to access a whole list of ideas that will help you fall asleep and stay asleep