Fight Wrinkles With Various Source of Anti Aging Skin Care Treatment

It has been said that you can tell if a person is aging because of the wrinkles on his or her face. It is true that wrinkle comes with aging but there are other causes that lead to a person looking older than he or she really should. What are these wrinkle causes? How does one find an anti aging skin care treatment for wrinkles? So why do old people have wrinkles? This is because skin becomes less elastic and connective tissues containing collagen and other proteins degrade over time. Thus, the skin become loose and lines are formed on the face. Older people’s skin has more difficulty regenerating or repairing itself after damage. Wrinkles can also be created by habitual facial muscle contractions, such as frowning, or creasing the brow. So it explains why smiling is better than frowning. People who lack sleep or who are overstressed can also be candidates for wrinkles. Skin loses its elasticity if insufficient rest is obtained. Photo-aging is the occurrence of wrinkles and skin damage caused by exposure to the sun’s UV rays. Free radicals or toxic oxygen species form on the skin when under the sun for too long. This can lead to various conditions, such as sunburn and even skin cancer. Smoking and poor diet may also lead to wrinkles, as these introduce toxins to the body. One anti aging skin care treatment is to apply anti aging wrinkle creams and lotions on the face. These cosmetic products should contain vitamins and antioxidants to protect the skin and get rid of active oxygen species. Other forms of anti aging skin care treatment, includes face lifts, microdermabrasion, wrinkle filler injections, Botox injections, and chemical peels. The basic principle behind these cosmetic surgery methods is that skin must be renewed and tightened so that wrinkles will disappear. In comparison to anti aging wrinkle creams, these clinical methods are more expensive, and have known side effects that occur in some people.