Sleep Disorder Alliance - REM Sleep Disorder Treatment

Sleep is a period of rest during which the sleeper loses awareness of his or her surroundings. When a person falls asleep, all activity decreases and the muscles relax.  The heartbeat and breathing rate slow down.  The person slowly becomes less aware of what may be happening all around. The two major stages of sleep are the non-rapid eye movement (NREM) or resting stage and the rapid eye movement (REM) or non-resting stage. The REM stage is also known as dreaming sleep.

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During REM, the brain and the organs become completely active in an almost similar way to wakefulness. As the name suggests, there is rapid eye movement. The blood pressure rises, breathing becomes irregular, and there is even a loss of muscle tone or paralysis. When paralysis during REM is absent or incomplete, the person is said to be suffering from an REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD). For this reason, an REM sleep disorder treatment must be sought for.

With RBD, the person usually awakes feeling tired or fatigue, loses energy and mood, and has difficulty concentrating and finishing tasks. In some cases, serious neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease may develop. Relationships with other people may also be affected.

Because the main symptom of RBD is dream-enacting behaviors which may be violent and cause self-injury or injury to other people, the priority for this condition is safety. Although people with RBD need careful follow-up, its symptoms can be successfully controlled with medications. It is also important to diagnose and treat all sleep disorders early in order to prevent complications.

A good night’s /?s=33611&c=122042" sleep is essential to health maintenance and preservation . Treat REM sleep disorders now and get enough rest to sustain your metabolic needs.