Sleep Deprivation Effects & How To Get More Sleep Tonight

If you are suffering from insomnia, you are probably suffering a number of sleep deprivation effects. Insomnia can be very dangerous for your health. If you do not get the proper rest, your ability to think is impaired, you do not handle stress as well, your immune system is not working as it should, and you become more emotional. Sleep is so important to your overall well being that not getting sleep for long periods of time has actually proven to be deadly. Lab rats who are not allowed to sleep for an extended period of time die within two to three weeks.

If you are sleep deprived, your brain's ability to function as it should deteriorates very quickly. The brain tries to reverse sleep deprivation effects, but it does not operate as effectively. Also, your level of concentration can drop, and your memory becomes clouded.

More sleep deprivation effects include the brain's ability to solve problems. Abilities to make decisions is compromised, and the brain suffers from thought patterns that are rigid, which makes it hard to come up with ideas to solve problems. And you can also hallucinate if you suffer from extreme insomnia.

Other sleep deprivation effects include depression, heart disease, high blood pressure, slower reaction times, irritability, and speech that is slurred.

If you are not sleeping enough and suffering from it, it is important that you try to find a natural cure. You should definitely stay away from sleep pills, since they are highly addictive, and will not cure your sleep problems, it will just delay them.

There are many natural ways to cure sleep deprivation effects Check out the book Stop Insomnia by clicking here for some great ideas