Stop Snoring Mouth - Home Remedies To Stop Snoring

If you are looking for home remedies to stop snoring, then you have to identify first the primary reason why you snore. Snoring results from an obstruction in the breathing passages, thus it is very critical to know where this obstruction is located. There are four places where obstruction normally occurs such as the nose, the tongue, the jaw and the throat. Each of these has their own treatments.

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Open mouthed breathing and vibration in the nasal passages is a result from a partially or totally blocked nose especially when lying down. If this is the case, then you have to find a solution to keep your nose open while you're sleeping. An ideal way to solve this situation is by using nasal strips.

For people who are experiencing dry mouth upon waking up, or snoring with an open mouth, then the jaw is likely the main reason for snoring. In order to address the problem, chin up strips and other similar gadgets are very useful. It is because in cases like this, the mouths should be kept shut in order to keep the jaw from putting pressure on the throat.

If your tongue falls back during sleep then it may also make you snore, it is because it partially blocks the throat. Good thing, nowadays, there are oral appliances that may help to keep the tongue in place during sleep, but you may also want to consider doing some exercise that will strengthen your tongue muscles.

The one in the throat is possibly the most difficult to snoring obstruction to identify. It is the case wherein soft tissues such as the soft palette might fall down due to gravity, and partially blocking the airways when lying down. Home remedies to stop snoring in this case involves losing some weight or starting singing can be effective.

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