Why Late Nights Are A Hidden Cause Of Insomnia

Are you the type who likes to stay out real late at night? Hey, I am with you! I love hanging out with friends, listening to great music, and meeting interesting members of the opposite sex. But unlike a lot of night owls, I don't have trouble sleeping at night.

In fact, I sometimes wish I would sleep a bit less!

Anyway, if you have a late night party animals and you are battling insomnia, you might want to try erasing a few entries from your social calendar. I know this can be hard. If you are recently married, you don't want to lose touch with your friends. And if you are single, you want to take advantage of every social activity you can.

Do you ever feel the "need" to go out, even when your body is telling you not to? When you do decide to hit the bars, you are actually making things worse, since you usually have at least one alcoholic drink. And because alcohol disrupts normal sleep, your activities during the day can be affected.

If you are suffering from insomnia, you might want to consider only going out on weekends. And when you are at home during the week, don't just sit there watching TV or spending time on the internet. These activities can make it hard to sleep as well, because they stimulate the adrenal glands. Trying reading a book instead. This can actually induce sleep, since your eyes are having to do a lot of work to keep up with what is on each page.

Insomnia can easily strike both those who are late night party animals, and those who stay in. You can get some remedies by reading Stop Insomnia here