Snoring In Sleep - Nine ConsequencesLog sawing', as the condition is otherwise referred to can have consequences of medical importance. Although we are talking about snoring here, it would be important to note that this condition and apnea are closely related. Since apnea has to do with disrupted breathing, you can already imagine what nature of problems we are dealing with here. Risks of stroke and heart attacks: It has been found that there is a relationship between stroke and heart attacks. People who go down with these two major diseases are found to be snorers. This is in spite of their not having been diagnosed with apnea. Reduction of oxygen flow /hypoxia: Generally, as a close relation to apnea, snoring comes close to shutting up the flow of oxygen in the body. When the brain is deprived of oxygen, it could have serious consequences including death. Reduced life-span: It has also been found out that snorers have a much shorter life span than non-snorers. When you put all the possibilities on the table, reduced brain function due to deprivation of oxygen and restless nights, have every ability to make your life shorter. Type II diabetes: A relationship between snoring and type II diabetes has been found by medical experts to exist. There is little explanation to it but now that it has come to light, there is all the more reason to treat the sleeping condition with the deserved seriousness. But there are other non-medical related consequences of snoring. And they are no less serious when you consider that social life as important as any other aspect of our lives. Look at the following effects of the condition.. Disrupting your partner's sleep: A partner might be polite enough to tell you in the morning of your nightly noise. But they must have thought about it severally during the material night. So, by log sawing, you effectively deprive your partner of sleep. Sleep fragmentation: When you think about it, snoring has the same effect as apnea in waking sleepers up. If the reduced breathing ability is not enough, your partner will shove you on the side to get you to stop. At its worst, this disruption could be so often as to mean your sleep becomes totally fragmented. Day-time sleepiness: As a result of the above problem, the uncomfortable stretches of sleep do amount to enough sleep for your partner. Even the snorer him/herself is not guaranteed of enough sleep. The lead on results of day-time sleepiness are simply terrible to imagine. They range from accidents on roads and work places, lack of concentration and underperformance. Banishment from your bedroom: The results of lost sleep time being so socially terrible, partners can choose to sleep elsewhere. This can reduce intimacy and weaken relationships. Break-up in relationships: The worst case scenario is a complete break up in a relationship. What we learn here is that what you might take as a light noise and slight problem could be the indicator of more serious maladies. To avoid these consequences, see the exper Related Articles |