Man, I have been there. It seems totally insane, but for no good reason you feel like you're going to die, you actually feel that you can't swallow. Or when you're eating your food you feel like your food is going to get lodged in your throat!
It's nasty. It can feel like you're going crazy or like you're going to vomit. Like I said, I've been there. I used to feel that way all the freaking time.
At some point it just took over and consumed me. I know it's consumed a lot of other people too, I'm not the only one. For a while there though, I literally felt like I was the only one, like I was a weirdo, like I would never get over it.
How did I cure my fear of choking? Well, I did a lot of research. I mean I was literally drowning, this condition was effecting every area of my life, so I decided to get medieval on it's ass and do something about it! I'm wasn't going down without a fight.
I found out that I wasn't living the way I should be, I was drinking too much alcohol, too much caffiene, and I wasn't exercising enough. Can you relate? It was a big help when I started to change these habits.
But, even all this wasn't enough, it was a great start in the right direction and I'm grateful that I took the steps that I did.
The real change didn't come until I found the one move technique. It's kinda hard to describe but basicially it fools your brain into going from the totally irrational brain to the purely logical...and it completely puts an end to fears and panic attacks, like the fear of choking!
I mean it takes all the energy out of them, no joke. I beat my fear of choking by learning the one move technique and taking care of my brain in all the ways that doctors tell us and exercise, cutting down on toxic stuff...period. I don't mess with my brain anymore and life has never been better.
Now, I have one word of advice if this thing is getting out of control for you...don't wait to do something about it. Don't wait like I did, this thing is very treatable, and without medication. I wish I had started much sooner it would have saved me a lot of trouble and pain.