Law of Attraction & the Role of Meditation

In the bookConversations With God, it says, "If you don't go within, you go without." This is so true, especially when considering the Law of Attraction. As you probably know, the Law of Attraction simply means that the Universe brings you more of what you already are and have. In our fast-paced, stressful world, we need a touchstone to anchor us back to that ideal person we hope to be every day. It is easy to be swayed by commercials and advertisements. It is easy to be influenced by the fast food drive-thru, sedentary lifestyle promoted all around us. Clearly, this is not the energy we want to project out into the world. As the quote fromConversations With Godsays, if we focus our energies on all of the exterior influence from the world spinning too quickly around us, we suffer.

Meditation has scientifically been proven to improve our brains and health in a number of ways. One study showed that meditating 4 times a week for 20 minutes each time dramatically improved cognitive abilities. Another study showed that meditation makes the brain thicker in the sensory, cognitive, and emotional processing areas. Yet another study concluded that meditation can make people more compassionate. Another showed that regular, long-term meditation reduced the pain one experienced physically. The fact that these changes are long-lasting and/or permanent, again, means that we will be bringing higher, better energies to us with even less effort. As you can see, meditation is a key ingredient in actively using the Law of Attraction in your life.

Another reason why meditation is so important is because the benefits it brings make the other things on our Law of Attraction agendas more do-able. What does this mean? Let's take visualization for example. If you visualize while in a meditative state, you are more likely to resonate emotionally with the visualization. Also, visualizing while meditating helps you to stay focused and concentrate on thoroughly moving through your visualization sequence. Even if you were to meditate then do some visualizations shortly thereafter, many of these benefits would still carry over. Looking at affirmations, much like visualizations, meditating can also help you stay focused on your words and their intent and purpose. Looking at gratitude exercises, another popular Law of Attraction tool, meditation can also contribute to feeling and expressing more gratitude. When we clean the clutter out of our mental fields, all that is left is the joy of being and that infinite and special connection we feel to all that is—all of this we no doubt feel thankful for. In fact, it's arguably impossible to feel these things without being grateful.

Meditation is an important component of any concerted Law of Attraction plan for success as taught in our Law of Attraction Workshop. For a great free video series on Law of attraction click here