Modern Lifestyle and Happiness

What is the reason being deprived of happiness in life?  If we try to find out the answer to the question, we have to analyze the lifestyle of the modern man. The routine pressure makes the individual insensitive to the finer elements of mind. He turns into a machine and goes on repeating the action day after day. There is no place for emotion in his life and for a certain period, the individual forgets that he is a human being and not a robot. The practice of the modern lifestyle makes him ignorant of the bliss of happiness and peace of mind.

The need is realized by him only when he fails in his mission and falls short of the desired result in the assignment. The individual is treated like a culprit and is put to absorb severe mental stress.  Many people are traumatized at the news of failure, which is self-destruction. He is hurt intrinsically and is broken to pieces mentally and tries to find solace in life. Many, in this situation cannot control the agony of disappointment and damage the sense of judgments. If we examine causes of unhappiness in modern life, we come to two key factors, which are,

I. People become involved in the competitive world and bear the pressure to excel in results without knowing the limitations of calibers of individuals. The ordinary brain fights with a more intelligent brain to attain the same goal. People call it ‘rat race'.

II. People suffer due to the escalating expectations of the community and other individuals. The individual of today is encircled by several people or groups of people, who expect their own wants to be taken care of primarily. The impact of expectation puts grueling pressure on the individual, who loses the peace of mind and moves towards the state of unhappiness.

You can very well see that above consequences do not favor even a sleek chance of contentment, which is the basis of happiness.  The lifestyle of the modern individual is unnecessarily complicated by his own doing and until the individual offers adequate importance to this genuine problem, there is no possibility of achieving contentment, which is the primary step to happiness. Once you taste the sweetness of happiness, you will never let it go from your life. You can start changing your lifestyle right from this moment.

The author is proponent of happiness in human life. Visit -    and /