3 Keys to Finding Calm within Chaos

Tip # 1

Remain firmly planted, roots deep and strong, in a foundation of your ideals, but be flexible enough to flow with change when needed. You see, just as a tree with long strong roots is able to survive strong winds, so can you. This is an old metaphor my mom taught me when I was a young girl. I'm not sure of the origin of the idea, as I've heard it told many different ways by many different people through the years. This is my interpretation of the concept.

Let's consider the types of trees which reside in tropical locations, where the winds are strong and often. What characteristics do they have?

  • Well for one, like we already noted theirroot system is strong and deep. This allows movement up top without upsetting the stability of the connection to its life source.
  • The foundationitself within which the tree resides isstrong and firm. Most tropical locations have sandy soil. Sandy soil is one of the firmest, most solid soils; not great for many plants, but nice and firm to hold in trees and larger plants during wind storms.
  • Most of the plants and trees in tropical locations are supple and flexible. While their roots are firm, the tree itself issupple, flexible and forgiving.

So when the winds of changes shift, even when your surroundings are chaotic and tumultuous, remember the tropical tree. Hold true to your root system of beliefs, keep in mind the foundation of who you are and who you want to be, yet remain flexible and forgiving.

Tip # 2

As Don Miguel Ruiz says in his book "The Four Agreements" (A book I highly recommend) –Be impeccable with your word. Unless you have already learned the power of words and live accordingly, you may be unaware of just how potent and powerful your everyday language is in creating your life's circumstances. Just by simply altering the words we use to communicate our thoughts we can profoundly affect the way we feel and even how others around us feel. Now let's apply this idea to our topic.

When we're in a tumultuous situation we tend to get caught up in the chaotic energy and we react in kind; our body gets keyed up, our mind begins to race and our sensibilities fly out the window. In order to stay more grounded and affect the situation, rather than allow the situation to affect us, we must respond with clarity, calmness and respect for whatever/whoever is causing the discord. By reacting with positive, productive and respectful words (both inside our minds and outwardly with our speech) we can profoundly affect the way we and those around us feel and react to the given situation.Never underestimate your own power and influence in every situation.

Tip # 3

Breathe.Oh yes, I couldn't speak on this topic without mentioning the breath, after all, it's our source of life and the way we use it has a big influence on how we feel and think. I believe learning to breathe effectively and healthfully is key to a good life, period. But for now, we're talking about getting through chaotic situations with grace and the ability to preserve our common sense.

No matter how dire the situation, or how immediately we must react, there is always time to take a deep, calming breath and get centered. Being able to step back and takea few slow, deep breaths can quickly calm the body and center the mind. Doing this will affect positive changes in your body chemistry and allow you the time to get focused and clear on the situation at hand and tap into your inner wisdom. So before you think, before you speak – Simply breathe.

I could probably go on forever on this one topic alone, but I believe these three tips are sufficient and if you keep just these three basic tips in mind the next time you find yourself in a turbulent situation, you will come through it amazed at how much easier it was to keep your wits about you and stay calm. You may even be surprised at how positively you impact those around you as well. Being able to effectively ride the waves of life is essential in creating a peaceful, joyful and productive life.