A 'Feel Good' Prescription for De-Stressing

For the most part, at the beginning of every year we start out with a list of New Year's Resolutions that will help us feel great and lead to some personal accomplishments.   We start out with vigor and perseverance and it slowly phases out in 1-2 months.  Then we are back to where we started with nothing to show for it.   Undoubtedly, finding ways to de-stress is one of those listed items that often goes without resolution and repeatedly gets listed year after year.  This I learned from speaking with some of my colleagues/friends…

It is often difficult to find the answer to de-stressing because there are many events beyond our control that contribute to the stress factors in our lives.  Everything from our fast-paced lives, the economy, personal finances, the kids, work/careers, not enough hours in the day are a few of the items that add to that stress.  The list can go on and almost seem insurmountable at times.

Carving out time from our busy schedule for a bit of ‘pamper me' time is a key component to diminishing stress and creating a happier you.  After all if you are not good to yourself, you cannot be good to those around you who need you as well.  Exercising, time out with friends, reading a good book, a bubble bath or a nice warm shower is among some of the ‘feel good' prescriptions for the soul.  In fact, doing anything we like to do that brings us happiness and joy would help balance our lives and de-stress us.  Yet, those are some of the very same things we may not have time to do and that tends to generate more stress as time passes.  Before we know it, the next year is upon us and we failed to meet the de-stressing accomplishment.

Not having enough time is a recurring theme that faces us and prevents us from getting some of our goals accomplished.  Time management is a basic element to developing a successful de-stressing routine.  Using an activities calendar will enable you to list/isolate opportunities and make the necessary arrangements that will lead to some free time for some of the ‘pamper me' scenarios of your choice.  I found that this is a good place to start to pave the way to accomplishing that de-stressing resolution and creating a happier you.  Consistency, determination and follow through will help you achieve the expected results.  If you take a little time for yourself, you will be able to take on any other challenges, successes/ opportunities.