How Can I Overcome My Fear of Impending Doom? Everything Seems So ComplicatedI think that with fear in general, we need to actually take some time out to analyse and write down our feelings, and the 'things' we think are going to happen to us. I say this, as more often than not, when we take the time to, dare I say, relax, and really look at the root causes of a situation, we find they are not so bad as we might at first think. In addition to this, I have come across a wide variety of people who genuinely think that all things are terrible, and do nothing about it, except work themselves up into a state of even more anxiety and fear. I am a great believer in action, and control of our lives, rather than a weaker point of being 'shifted around' by the tides of life. Please excuse me if my comments may at first appear to offend, but I think that to deal with fear, it has to be handled head on, rather than gently stroked, like a gentle thing. Having cleared that up, we can move on. As I was saying, take the time to really list everything that you are fearful of. Are there specific things that worry you, or are you worried in general? I realise this may take several hours, once you start writing. It is essential to really be clear in your mind, so that you can better understand where you are. Many people whom I have advised to do this exercise have been amazed at the results they gained from it, in terms of seeing where their 'problems' lay. Most people become clear in themselves that they have a fear relating to a specific feeling, or fear of something in particular. Essentially, it is one thing to feel fearful, and like a victim, whereas it is very liberating to know that you have a concern with something specific, and can then do something about it. I can almost guarantee that you will feel clearer in yourself, if you perform the above exercise with care and diligence. You can only deal with the solution to a problem when you know what the actual problem is. This is a time to be brutally honest with yourself. I have found that using headings like
I think that most people know, but are scared to face up to the fact, that to overcome a fear, you must do that which you fear. These are prophetic words I read many years ago, and I have never forgotten them. Have I done every thing I am scared of? Well, let's say I am always working towards it. There are also new things that pop up, that I am challenged by. I may not always act as fast as I would like, but ultimately, I face up to my fears. It's the only way to move forward. |