Three steps for dealing with negative people

Three steps for dealing with negative people?

Have you met someone who keeps nagging? Have you seen someone who plays the victim role and blames others all the time? I am sure you have. People with negative behaviors are every where. People with negative attitude usually have low self-esteem and are attention seekers. They try to concentrate on negative things most of the time and ignore all the positive things.

If you have todeal with negative people, do the following killer ways

1. Try to limit your contact with the negative person. If the negative person is your colleague at work, for example, try not to deal with him unless you have to. If it is somebody you can avoid seeing and talking to, then by all means cut your contact with that person at all. No one needs negative person around them.

2. If someone is being negative and argumentative about a subject such as politics, religion, sports among other things, then don't argue or fight back. Simply switch the subject and don't pay attention to what the person says. Tell them that each one has different opinion and you don't want to keep arguing. In other words, agree to disagree.

3. Tell them that you don't want to spend time talking about negative things and you would rather talk about something more beneficial and positive. Usually, after you ask them to stop being negative, they start avoiding being negative and negative subjects around you. They will know that you can't get manipulated by them and you will not be negative.

I once knew somebody who loved to spend his time complaining and talking about negative issues. Whatever someone does, he starts gossiping and complaining, hence people stopped liking to spend time with him.  Once he knew people kept avoiding him because of his negative behavior, he started to change.  Therefore, telling people with negative behavior that you don't like to take any part in their negative discussions has powerful effects