A Proven Stress-busting Success System

Every successful person relies on a PROVEN SYSTEM to manage personal stress. Look around you and you'll notice a proven system in action. From understanding your beautiful brain to how it works to what actually happens to you, what you undergo when you experience stress.

Once YOU can VISUALIZE how your thinking influences how you are feeling, you're going to be able to use the strategies over and over again. You will begin to follow a SPECIFIC set of procedures and instructions.

It's no wonder successful people can achieve and get so much done... Because they have a PROVEN SYSTEM!

But unfortunately, not everyone in the world uses a PROVEN SYSTEM to survive personal stress. And this explains why so many people are suffering in their life dramas.

In order for a system to be considered PROVEN, it must first generate results that are:

1) Predictable 2) Repeatable

The reason why gambling is NOT a PROVEN SYSTEM and cannot be considered a fruitful activity (for the casual gambler)is because you can neither ACCURATELY predict your next win, nor repeat your previous win ALL the time!

The bottom line: If you want to BEAT your life dramas every time, learn and use a PROVEN SYSTEM!

Before we end today's lesson, I want to share with you two very important psychological concepts.


1st Immutable Law of Emotion - EXPRESS EMOTION. If you want to succeed emotionally, always remember that you need to EXPRESS EMOTION. There are four ways you can express emotion.

1. Understand and effectively express how you feel about various issues; that is, in the right way, to the right degree and at the right time.

2. Effectively utilise and be confident in using non-verbal emotional cues, for example, body language and tone of voice, to communicate how you feel.

3. Create greater understanding about yourself amongst your family, friends, and colleagues.

4. Be genuine and trustworthy.

In other words, before you start applying your system to survive personal stress ask yourself how you can express yourself in one or more ways above.

2nd Immutable Law of Emotion - RECOGNIZE EMOTION. There are four ways you can recognize emotion.

1. In today's stressful environment, there is a need to recognize emotion in yourself and in others.

2. Be open to emotions; be attentive to whether words, voice tone, and body language match.

3. Become good at picking up when people are saying something that differs from reality.

4. Pay attention and pick up on the mood of a room or your environment.

The truth is, people BEHAVE, both passively and actively. They want to deal with their pain and joy - and will often blame out. So make sure you develop a unique ability to express and recognize emotion if you want to BEAT your life drama.

I will be in touch over the coming days and weeks with six additional articles in my PROVEN Stress-Busting Success System that has helped thousands of people survive personal stress. The next article will feature: 'Identifying Your Stress Response'.

Have you had enough of feeling overwhelmed and stressed by the amount of self-help material on stress? Have you been immobilized by the confusion of what to do next? Just one 1-hour DVD is all that you need to begin to release your pain and create a life free of personal stress. You can get it here:

All material in this email is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this email. Instead, readers should consult their physician or other qualified health
professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. Readers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.