The Side Effects of Clenbuterol

Clenbuterol is a lypolitic, and burns the free fat cells in the adipose tissues readily, due to its effects on the thermogenesis of the body. However, the use of Clenbuterol as a weight loss or fat loss drug for extended periods of time is not recommended, as the drug entails significant risks to several systems of the body if used for longer than three weeks without a three week break.

Clenbuterol is a thermogenic drug, and is accompanied by a rise in body temperature and heightened heart activity. This in turn affects the blood pressure of the body, as blood is the key element of maintaining a constant temperature of the body. Increasing the aerobic capacity of the blood also demands a greater work from the entire circulatory system. This means that unregulated amounts of Clenbuterol can cause significant overload on the blood pressure, and are a possible threat to the functioning of the heart. So don’t use too much.

Clenbuterol is used as a fat burning drug, should have a regulated pyramid dose structure, and the greater doses should only be given after the person starts off with small doses, such as 40mcg, and then proceed to 80-120mcg after a couple of days.

Clenbuterol Hydrochloride or Clen as it is known for short, comes in tablets and liquid, though the liquid is meant for horses, and is very hard to dose correctly for humans. Tablets come in 20 or 40mcg doses, but as men take 80-160mcg a day in one dose, and women take 80-120mcg a day in one dose, why would anyone want the 20mcg tablets.

Clenbuterol can only safely be taken for three weeks, after that the beta 2 receptors become worn out and the Clenbuterol is doing nothing to help, after a three week cycle of Clenbuterol, one must stop for another three weeks to let the beta 2 receptors recover. If you want to take Clenbuterol for longer than three weeks, you must take ketotifen tablets, 2-3mg a day of Ketotifen, taken before bed (it makes you very drowsy), means you can use Clenbuterol for 6-8 weeks without a break.

People often stack (combine) Clenbuterol Hydrochloride tablets with T3 Cytomel, combined Clenbuterol and T3 Cytomel tablets at the same time for 3 weeks will burn an amazing amount of fat. The T3 Cytomel stimulates your thyroid, when your thyroid is stimulated your metabolism rises and you burn fat extremely quickly. T3 Cytomel is also only ever used for three weeks, and then stopped for three weeks, taking Ketotifen does not mean that you can take T3 Cytomel for longer than three weeks.