Safe And Natural Age Spot Remover

"Out, darn (sic) spot!"  With apologies to William Shakespeare, if you are over 40 and have age spots, then you might like to know of an effective age spot remover.  Unfortunately age spots say that you are not getting any younger.  An age spot remover that works well will allow you recapture a more youthful look, and let you get back to enjoying the skin you're in.

Age spots, sometimes called liver spots, are darker patches of skin that most often appear on your face, neck, shoulders, arms, and on the backs of your hands.  These are normally harmless but are a sign of more serious underlying problems.  They actually represent a buildup of wastes called lipofuscin accumulation that occurs as a result of the on-going free radical damage of skin cells.

One of the biggest causes of the development of free radicals happens to be the sun.  So by all means, take some simple steps to protect your skin from accumulating more age spots by avoiding over exposure to the sun and by using sunscreen with at least an SPF 15 rating.

The formation of lipofuscin has also been linked with deficiencies of several important nutrients, such as vitamin E, selenium, and glutathione.  So it's a good idea to consider treatments that supplement those deficiencies.

Now on to an effective age spot remover.  There are several approaches to making those spots go away.  Some ways, such as freezing them, burning them off with acid, and removing them with laser light are done over several visits to a doctor.  The doctor office treatments can be effective, but some can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars.

Other ways include applying skin lightening creams that contain drugs such as tretinion and hydroquinone.   Most any drug-based age spot remover comes with warnings about side-effects.  Some are mild such as light burning, stinging, redness, and dryness, while others are much more serious.  For example hydroquinone has been banned in some European and Asian countries.

Also a number of "home remedies" have been advertised to work, such as applying various mixtures of onion juice, vinegar, lemon juice, chickpeas, and even buttermilk to the spots.

If you want to remove age spots successfully without the side-effects and high costs, you will be pleasantly surprised to know that there are skin lightening creams that contain safe, effective, and natural ingredients.  These creams diminish age spots while nourishing your skin back to a healthy glow.

You will find that the best lightening creams have high concentrations of natural ingredients such asExtrapone Nutgrass Rootandvitamin E.

Nutgrass rootinhibits the production of melanin naturally, to gently whiten your skin.   That means it brightens your skin without any harmful side effects.  In fact Extrapone Nutgrass  Root was originally developed by a German company as anti-irritant for the skin.

Because of its antioxidant activity,vitamin Ehelps to fight the damaging effect of free radicals on the skin.  In scientific studies vitamin E has been shown to reverse the effects of aging on the skin and helps prevent the appearance of age spots.  Look for high levels of the natural form of vitamin E in skin lightening creams.  Natural vitamin E is more effective than synthetic versions in improving the health and appearance of your skin.

In less time than it takes to read Act V Scene 1 of Shakespeare'sMacbethyou can find an age spot remover lightening cream that is effective and safe, and one that also restores your youthful appearance.