Relax and accept life is just a challenge

Newt Gingrich said, "relax and accept that life is just a challenge." He was very candid in sharing that several of his now successful friends did not hit it out of the park the first, fifth or even sixth go round. Sometimes you go down five or six blind alleys.

He also admonished us not to waste our energy worrying. He summed it all up by saying never quit.

My Life Application

I attended a weekend seminar where the presenter gave a fresh perspective around the Biblical story of David and Goliath. He passionately shared the inherent benefits in reliving past victories.

This is when living in the past serves us well.

It is so easy when faced with challenges (life) to temporarily forget instances in which victory was experienced.

David speaks about his victories with the bear and the lion. He knew that since he lived through and was victorious in those battles he would be victorious with this battle.

I grew up in what became a single parent home. A couple of months ago I was speaking with a friend that has recently become a single mom of two little girls.

I gave her a first hand account of my mom's incredible example of raising two daughters with grace and strength.

As a result, she felt empowered.

Years ago in spiritual services it was customary to have fifteen to twenty minutes designated for testimonies. Examples of how people overcame. Wouldn't it be wonderful if instead of sharing and spreading bad news we shared our victories? Passionately sharing examples that we can all use to gain strength whenever needed.