The Right Way Of Touch : Touch Meditation

We all know that God is Omnipresent and Omnipotent, that God is present everywhere and in all times. We all agree unanimously on this fact and appreciate the fact too. On the backdrop of this fact, another reality also pops up. And that is if God is everywhere, then he is also in me, right here, right now and in all of us. And this very body is a divine temple where the God exists in his full glory.

So, if I am on the lookout for God, would it not be a good idea to start seeking for him from my own body itself, which is the nearest place where I can find him? I would definitely find him quickest and easiest if I start from my own body rather than seeking him in far off places. Why seek for pennies elsewhere when the Diamond is in my own pocket?

Scriptures and holy men have always talked about dissolving our ego and any I-ness and My-ness with the body. We have also been told that our body is a bag of filth and we are not body. So many of us start to have a condemning attitude towards the body. But this is a wrong attitude. This is not the way to treat our body.

Our body is not OURS. It is the vehicle given to us by God. So, is it right to hate it? We all love God right? Then is it right that we hate the gift given to us by him? Is it right to love the CREATOR but hate his CREATION. Definitely Not. Hence, We should not have a relationship of repulsion or attachment with our body, but a relationship of love.

We can develop a relationship of love with our body using a Beautiful Tantric Meditation calledTouch MeditationorSparsh Meditation. ‘Sparsh’ means touch in the ancient language of Sanskrit. In Modern times this meditation technique has been re-invented and gifted to the world by the Contemporary Enlightened Mystic –Anandmurti Gurumaa.

Touch Meditation involves watching the body in a different light and attitude. We watch it with love and learn to detach ourself from the body with love. Once we are able to see it as a Temple of God, the holiest of Holy, then our mind also desists from misusing our body for Carnal pleasures and causing damage to it through material temporary pleasures.

We come to realize that this body is a divine vehicle to bring love, peace and wisdom to this world. We start enjoying being in the body, rather than being unaware of our presence in it, which is the case now. We realise that it is a blessing, a grace. And once we realize this, we also develop great love, respect and compassion for others, even for birds and animals.

Touch Meditationtruly makes us a Loving, Non-violent and Meditative person. Our relationship with the body improves and we also get many health benefits like deep relaxation, cure from allergies, deeper sleep, better digestion and many more benefits. They come as an added bonuses. Our Eating Habits improve and we start eating foods that are beneficial for our body’s well being, rather than just for the taste of the tongue.

Touch Meditation is available in the form of a musical video CD with easy to do instructions. Each session of Touch Meditation takes us for a trip to heaven, the heaven which is our own body. Little did we know that watching our own body could be such a rewarding experience.

Touch Meditation is a science. The Science of communicating with our body. This ancient secret is now available for all to benefit. Meditation is no longer the monopoly of the Sages in the Himalayas, but we all can benefit from it. Anandmurti Gurumaa has opened the doors of Mystery and made Meditation as easy as a Child’s play for the common man. Touch Meditation is one among the many jewels that she has in her treasures of Meditation.