How To Calm Your Mind

Self Calming Ideas

This is aimed more at teenagers, but anybody can benefit from most of these methods. I’m not an expert, I’m not a doctor – I’m a human. I’ve been through bad times, I still am, life is like that. However, it doesn’t mean we should accept it, does it? So first, before you read this, repeat after me. ‘I will not let life get me down – I am important in the world’.

First step taken already!
From here I will simply give you a handful of detailed ways of calming yourself and of relieving stress.

Elastic Bands;
I’ve been there and done it with self-harm, it isn’t worth it, please believe me. Despite this, many people choose to, so although I won’t encourage it I would advise you do this if you must. Get an elastic band and just ping it against your arm when you get stressed. It’s scarless and has no long-term damage.

This won’t work for us all, but listening to music is a very effective method of self-calming. Try to find a relaxing and slow song, this helps your mind to fall into a peaceful trance and allows you to block out the stressy bits of life. Here are some of my own suggestions;
• Within Temptation – In perfect Harmony
• Dido – White Flag
• Dream Theatre – Changing of the Seasons
Physical Exertion;
I cannot believe how much sport can help when you’re feeling down. It releases natural hormones in your body which helps you to stay calm and happy. It can be football, rugby, badminton or roller hockey – whatever sport you like! – If you’re not a sporty person, try getting some dumbbells and just work out, it helps a lot, even just doing 20 push-ups a night can make a big difference.

Go For a Walk;
I prefer to go for a walk when it’s cold and windy, not because I like to suffer, just because it makes me feel alive... feeling the cold on my skin – in the same way as taking a shower, it makes you feel alive knowing that you can still feel things! Try it, it could well make you forget your troubles for a while.

Write it Down;
I have a book hidden under my desk, in that book is at least 100 times when I’ve felt stressed. I simply write about it – it allows me to get it out without the fear of the person I talk to laughing at me. This can be either writing down every thought which comes into your mind, or just jotting down notes – about what is making you angry or upset.

Keep Yourself Busy;
If you’re doing something constructive, how can you get time to consider the negatives of your life? – I try to keep myself busy if something is going wrong in life. I recently split up with my girlfriend, so I’ve started writing more and more articles. Takes what interests you. Write about it. Do it. Enjoy it.