Adaptogens - a Simple Cure for Symptoms of Chronic Stress

The first step in breaking the stress cycle (stress – exhaustion – more stress) is to try and adjust your lifestyle, making it simpler and less complicated. Take time off or make sure that your time off is really "time off". Meditation is an excellent tool for combating stress and anxiety. Secondly become more knowledgeable about your body and get to know your adrenals!

Stress adaptogens in the form of herbal supplements can play a large role in supporting your glandular system. Herbal stress "adaptogens" have been used for centuries to treat the effects of trauma. And in recent years have steeped the interest of many research scientists.

The Russians started to research adaptogens over 50 years ago and Siberian Ginseng (ginseng in name only), which contains eleutherosides as its active agent, is widely used within their culture as a natural cure for stress. Besides this Russian adaptogen, many other cultures use ginseng for similar purposes. One of the most renowned is Red Korean Ginseng. (termed Panax from the word Panacea because of its multiply healing properties) The best quality comes from the six year old root. Six years is the time frame necessary for building up the highest level of " ginsenosides " or senosides for short. This is the active ingredient that aids the body as an adaptogen, and is hailed to hold the cure for many physical ailments.

So if you are suffering from chronic stress, it might be time to start learning about these stress adaptogens. But it is also important to consider lifestyle changes that will make life less stressful, without these changes adaptogens are only helping you to "run a little longer on empty". Adding supplements without first making life changes is like walking down a dead end street. And remember adaptogens do have side effects and every person reacts differently to their effects.

Time and research will tell, but the information regarding chronic stress and stress adaptogens is significant and could make a positive impact on your health. You owe it to yourself to take better care of health and your adrenal glands. Care enough for yourself, to take care of yourself. You deserve to live life to its fullest!