Habit Number 8 : Celebrate Always - the Power to Overcome Challenges and Difficulties

Unless you are dead, everyone has a reason to celebrate at all times.

There will always be reasons to celebrate no matter what's up at Wall Street or what's down at your local stock exchange. Some people are celebrating because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to own a piece of Citicorp or Merrill Lynch , and others, for being alive! As long as you are alive, you will see good times return.

The Americans saw the :Search/Great Depression" target="wikipedia" Great Depression in 1930s, and look how the Americans prospered long after that. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese people died in the :Search/Tangshan Earthquake" target="wikipedia" Tangshan Earthquake in 1976, and today's Tangshan is bustling with life and activities. Many years ago when Singapore was building its first flyover and a part of it came crashing down, instead of finger pointing and blaming each other, it was told that the contractor held a grand dinner to encourage everyone involved in the project to pick themselves up and move on. We need that kind of attitude, mental power and strength to overcome challenges and difficulties. WINE NOT WHINE!

Only when we think it is the end, then it is indeed the end. On the contrary, if we could muster up the power to take control of our life, deny the deadly influences of pessimism, that decision we make at the spot moment will live with us forever, and will grow like a tiny mustard seed into a giant tree of great strength.

Setbacks are not failures but challenges and experiences to be drawn upon. Closed doors are not cul-de-sacs but road signs pointing to an opened door somewhere else. There will always be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and a silver lining to each dark cloud. Let's pick up our champagne flute and remember Habit Number 8 : "Celebrate Always".
