Music Therapy for Stress

How music can help people to get rid of their stress?

Music can do wonder and alleviate bodily pains as well as mental stress. You can feel the comfort while listening to the beautiful and soothing music. Music has a great power to heal and the charm of music itself is so soothing that people who are stressed out can get rid of all their pains by listening to some light music. Even when you are tired, you can listen to some light music to get rid of your tiredness.

  • Example from Bible:From the ancient times we all know how music played its role to alleviate the pains of people. For example the Bible, David played his harp in order to alleviate the pains of King Saul. Some of the best recommendations from the doctors are the following:

  • Play music and sing songs:Play the music and sing along with it. It works like magic in the worst of time. Even if you can’t play any instrument, you can listen to music and sing softly with it. It also works while you are stressed out.

  • Heartbeat of the unborn infant:Another vital thing that rejuvenates a person instantly is the heart beat of the baby who is still inside the mother’s womb. It is so pleasant to hear the heartbeat that even people suffering from worst mental disease can be rejuvenated by it.

  • Psychological response:According to popular research, music produces in the physiological response system and many psychological patients revived their senses after listening to the music. Music pertaining to loud drum beats was extremely soothing. So were the flute music in place of soothing Mediterranean and Celtic Music.

  • Biological synchronization:Whenever the proper sounds were experienced by the listener, amazing right/left brain hemisphere synchronization occurred. Thus it has been observed that the entire human energetic system is extremely influenced by sounds, the physical body and energy stores react specifically to some specific tones and frequencies.

  • Deep breathing; music during dental procedure:Another important stress control devise is deep breathing. In this method, the production of serotonin in the body accelerates. Music also relieves the pain which was caused during dental procedures.

Reduce heart rate and increase body temperature:Sometimes we can hear the music while we are working. This is also extremely beneficial since it helps to promote higher temperature of the body and also to reduce the heart rate.