The Number One Severe Anxiety Treatment

Is severe anxiety putting your life on hold? Are fear and panic keeping you from being happy? It doesn't have to be that way. With the proper guidance, you can get back to the life you thought was slipping further from your grasp. As you'll soon see, the best anxiety treatment lies within your head and not in a bottle of pills. This article breaks down the number one severe anxiety treatment into three manageable steps so you can quickly move on with your life.

The number one severe anxiety treatment, otherwise known as the "Mirror Principle", states that the more you focus on something, the more of it you bring into your life. The human mind is a lot more powerful than you can imagine, and we actually have the ability to control that power with the right tools and effort. Listed below are three steps you can start practicing right now to put the mirror principle into effect.

First, you need to learn how to control your thoughts. Your focus. Focusing on specific feelings or emotions make them a much more powerful reality in our lives. Instead of controlling that power to create a better life, we generally allow our thoughts to roam free, taking our mood and emotions with them wherever they go. It's difficult to believe and accomplish, but we can control our thoughts and what we focus on. But it will take a consistent effort. When you notice fear or panic start to come over you, shift your focus. Think about something good in your life. Think about a personal victory. This may be difficult at first, but it will get easier every time you use it.

Second, take a closer look at your beliefs. I'm not talking about your opinions on matters that mean very little to your life. What are the strongly held beliefs you have that make you who you believe you are? Not to be philosophical, but you will need to go deep inside yourself to discover your beliefs. What are they? Define them. Break them down. Why do you believe what you believe? When did you start believing that? Is that belief making your life better or worse? And now for the good part. No matter how strongly you believe something, it's possible to change that belief. You can take that negative belief that you've been torturing yourself with for years and turn it into something positive. A starting point for a better life.

Third, change the way you talk to yourself. I know it sounds funny, but we all do it. We say things in our heads or out loud that either impact us in a positive or negative way. "How could I be so stupid?" "I hope I don't panic." "Why me?" This step is closely related to step one. We need to control our thoughts. We need to pay attention to what's going through our heads and what's coming out of our mouths. Both can have an impact on your focus. There's no reason to be so hard on yourself. Telling yourself positive things will make your life a lot better. Remember, you get more of what you focus on.