Apricot Health For Beauty And Youth

I just love apricots and if you read this whole article, you will as well. Instead of just calling them apricots, they should be called " apricot health ", because this sweet sour fruit, which seems more like a plum was highly regarded Central Asia.

Imagine if there was a real fountain of youth!  Apricots are one of the few super foods, that just may turn back the hands of time.  I know this may sound incredible, but the miraculous results of using this particular food as a beauty agent is unparalleled.

I'll never forget reading a story from Bernard Jensen, about his visit to a village in another country called the Hunza (a region where Afghanistan meets Pakistan and China).  This small village was known as the health Valley, because in this valley there was hardly any disease and people lived for a long time.  This story always intrigued me, because it fueled my desire to keep eating healthy, and adding some variety to my diet.

Apparently, the Hunza people consumed a lot of apricots and this was the reason or at least one of them, why they look so healthy and lived for a long time.  As you can tell, I am a staunch advocate of eating apricots daily!

Ladies, how would you like to create your very own apricot health beauty agent?  What you need to do is get yourself a blender with 1 cup of fresh apricots chopped and add a teaspoon of water.  Next, add half an avocado, then blend this mixture.  Now add some pure organic virgin olive oil and blend again.  Next, apply the advertised health beauty agent made with your very own blender to your face for one hour and after one hour rinse with water.

The advertised health beauty agent can be used for times a week and it will soften the skin and reduce those wrinkles!  I would also encourage you to make a blended apricot juice with some ice cubes.  Drink one glass for four days as you are applying the apricot health beauty agent mask.  By making sure that you get the apricots on the outside of the body and on the inside of the body, you may be slowly turning back the hands of time!

I just love all-natural remedies and I actually have thousands of them, that I have collected over the last 20 years!  I've talked with other herbalist and other expert gardeners, who are quite old I might add and they have information that cannot easily be found in any other book.  If you want to learn my herbal secrets and my gardening secrets click here!