Coping With Stress: Ways of Coping With Stress Effectively

Many people admit that they are suffering from stress. Many of these people are involved in demanding and taxing work. Some, such as movie stars, suffer from it after continually trying to live in their exacting lifestyle. Others suffer stress due to traumatic life events, cramming during exams and deadlines or bad personal relationships.

But what is stress anyway? Technically speaking, stress is a condition wherein the property of a human being to maintain a constant, stable condition is disrupted. It is either a physical or physiological stimulus can produce negative mental or physical reactions. These reactions can lead to exhaustion or illness.

To deal with stress, people engage in many things. There are a variety of ways in coping with stress.

Some people exercise regularly to get rid of stress. Proper exercise help reduce stress by keeping the body fit and healthy. Many people prefer to exercise in a gym in the company of other like minded individuals. The exercise, camaraderie and sharing of experiences help relax a person so he can reduce stress levels.

For some people, coping with stress can mean taking a leave and going out of the city to enjoy the countryside. Free from the confines of the office and the responsibility of office work, stressed people feel more relaxed and at ease with themselves. Nothing can be as refreshing as taking a breath of fresh mountain air or taking a swim in cool spring waters.

Some people also meditate to cope with stress. Meditation is a technique wherein a person enters into a state of concentrated attention. Meditation can attune oneself to his inner spirituality and is either required or practiced in many religions. But aside from that, meditation also relieves stress. In fact, hospitals require patients who are chronically or terminally ill from stress to meditate. It reduces complications and alleviates the immune system.

Treating oneself with massages, acupuncture or acupressure is also a good way to cope with stress. Done correctly, these practices can relieve psychological stress, manage pain, include blood circulation and even aid in healing.

This is hard to believe but there are also other people who engage in exciting, dangerous activities to cope with stress! They participate in risky activities such as sky diving, bungee jumping or scuba diving to get rid of stress. It is the adrenalin rush which makes them feel good about what they are doing. When such rush is experienced, these people feel invincible and on top of themselves. Such a superior feeling is relaxing and helps in taking away stress.

All these techniques are helpful in coping with stress. It is now the individual’s preference as to what way he will choose.

For more information on stress management techniques, including 47 stress management tips, go to: /