Let Go...how?

Work, families, responsibilities, relationships, fun and recreation. Changes, losing jobs, homes and loved ones. Health challenges, financial ups and downs.  The stuff of life.  Life is full of more "stuff" these days and less "life".

Do you feel like you're going at mock 5 with your hair on fire? Are you feeling heavily burdened by changes and challenges?  Perhaps things are going well and you're just very busy. Have you been pushing hard to make things happen, keep up with it all and manage the stress? Is it working?  Probably not!

We are programmed to work hard, push though and struggle. We may as well be pushing against a brick wall that is 3 feet think because that's how much progress you're making. Sure, you may have some movement going on but you're exhausted, right?  So so tired from all the pushing.

Let go.  Just let go. Yeah, you've heard that before and may even be rolling your eyes.  "I can't let go! If I let go it will all fall apart!" I beg to differ. If you let go, it will all work out. Pushing as you are will only lead to failure, not to mention the toll on your health with all the stress you're under. Are you even living or are you just pushing all the time?

Let go so you can have clarity and know what to do next. Who knows, you may even come up with a new idea or solution entirely that is better for you! Let go so the changes you want can happen. Right now you are completely blocked so nothing is moving except your mind and body.  Let go so you can have a little more peace. Ahhhhhh.

How do I let go?  Good question.  If you are thinking about letting go, you aren't letting go. So you take a little personal time here and there. Do something you enjoy for 10 minutes a day.  More would be better but let's take baby steps.  Sit outside in nature.  Play your piano.  Play with your pet or your child. Do something that makes you laugh.  Enjoy yourself a little more.  Sit and breath. Get away from it "all" for a few minutes.

Sounds indulgent, doesn't it?  Taking time for yourself with all you have going on and all who is depending on you? How absurd!  But oh, so necessary.  You're a pressure cooker ready to blow.

When you let go just a little, this is what will happen: You will remove yourself from the chaos and stress even just momentarily.  Your energy will shift from stress and anxiety to calm and more peaceful. You may even find yourself smiling! In this state, the clarity comes.  Out of this, you may realize that some things just aren't that important so you eliminate them from your life.  Maybe an idea to a problem pops in your head.  You could be inspired to move in a new direction altogether.

If you let go and allow these moments in your day, you will know what you need to do and it will be a more elegant journey.  That is the point. If you do this, you will KNOW what to do, when and how.

So ease up a bit.  Give yourself permission to live a little more. Things may look a certain way but you cannot move from where you are if all you are doing is pushing.  The more you try to control, the less control you have. So let go a little.  Take off the death grip you have on the stuff of life so life can happen. You will enjoy it so much more!

Julie Farha is a gifted intuitive, human potential expert, speaker and author of "Exploring Your Potential; Who am I and what am I doing here". She holds private sessions and Insight Galleries and is available for speaking engagements.