Training Yourself To Handle CrisesNo matter how careful we are, there will always be times when our families are hit with a crisis. Whether it is a death in the family or an unexpected cost, these sudden difficulties have the power to crumble our sense of well being if we're not careful. Handling a crisis with grace is something that is both difficult and empowering -- and something I think that everyone should learn to do. We've all heard the old adage "Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all the small stuff," but the reality is that many of us are very affected by minor road bumps along the road of life. It is a drive that is not always smooth, and we should not expect it to be. Things happen, including not only those major crises but also smaller complaints. The kids don't always cooperate as we all know, and the list of things that could throw a kink in our day only begins there. Sometimes the cashier at the coffee shop adds the wrong sweetener, and sometimes the store has run out of the product you're looking for. If you remain aware of how you respond to these frustrations you will be surprised at how readily you react in ways that are less than productive. The reactions you have to these minor frustrations can be an eye-opener to your preparedness for a more major catastrophe. In monitoring your reactions to day-to-day difficulties you can notice where you need work. Maybe you're quick to anger, maybe you give up easily, and maybe you feel a situation is hopeless straight from the beginning. The reactions you have in these smaller challenges are often magnified when a more intense problem falls in our path. One caveat: don't be so frustrated by the flaws you may find in your reaction that you are unable to address them productively. Once you see where you have room for improvement when it comes to reaction to life's difficulties you will be able to better yourself and grow as a person. Learning to step back and notice how unimportant it truly is that they didn't hold the pickle, that you can take it off of your own burger, can be the most empowering and strengthening realization. Once you let go of these things, life will feel much smoother. And letting go of these daily stresses will make it so that when a crisis does become a part of your life you are more prepared to face the challenge. You can't prevent the fact that life happens, and not everything runs smoothly. But I do believe that we all have the power to alter our reactions to frustrations, both small and large. As you practice being mindful and learn to be calm you will reap benefits you never even imagined. The little difficulties life presents us with each day are practice for the time that the car wheel falls off on the highway. If you teach yourself to react less and just accept life as it happens you will be amazed at how strong you can truly be in times of crisis. |