Fear of being left behind

The world is full of fears. Different fears ranging from the fear of failure, fear of insecurity, fear of getting lost, fear of becoming bankrupt, fear of losing ones loved ones, fear of accidents , fear of bosses, fear of wife, fear of girlfriend, fear of teacher, fear of unknown path, fear of friends, fear of success, fear of winning lottery, fear of robbers, fear of darkness, fear of rejection, fear of almost anything.Fear of being left out in the race the life.

So that’s the basic behind all fears. Fear of being left behind in today’s rat race

What’s the solution for this. To say the true almost nothing! Fear of some sort is always necessary to keep your steps in check. It is always necessary so that you don’t take undue risks. Fears are almost always necessary to make people behave good. Image if there was no fear of Hell how the world would be. All the devils of the worlds would have united and the remaining would also have got converted into devils. And this world would have been converted in the true sense a LIVING HELL.

So friends never worry about fears. They are an indispensible part of ones life and should be used positively. Even children can be shown the fear of rejection due to bad behaviour.

Other ways to reduce the fear are to meditate, pray when you fill the fear, chant "OM" when you feel dejeted and have a photo of loved one along with you and have a look at it when you feel lonely

So fears are finally here to stay.But make them an ally in your fight against evil, both in yourself and in others.