- How to interrupt Fear, Stress and Anxiety by Understanding an Emotional Hijacking

She could feel the anxiety rising in her body.

She could hear the negative chatter in her head repeating over and over in an obsessive way.  She had been ‘emotionally hijacked’ - entwined in a prickly vine of fear.

For some of us, an ‘emotional hijacking’ can happen every now and then. For others it is a constant companion, forever in the background, just waiting to jump in the forefront and take control.

To deal with an emotional hijacking, some run for cover and deny what is happening by living in avoidance.  Others are left feeling completely immobilized - unable to move in any direction.  While others indulge in alchohol, drugs or food to numb the fear.  These attempts to find relief only result in building false armors of protection.

The only way to successfully move through our fears is to face them with love and compassion.  We can shine the light of our awareness on them so we learn and grow from them. Our fears are not a bad thing. They are there for a reason.  And if we let them, they can actually serve us.

So, when you have been emotionally hijacked…… STOP and BREATHE.

As you focus on your breath, put your attention on what is happening in your body and your mind.  Become the compassionate observer of your feelings. Feel the fear (it’s OK). Feel the discomfort in your body.  Look at the dialogue controlling your thoughts.  Doing this allows us to create some detachment so we can do a little investigation.  What is the fear, or emotion, or limiting belief that has swept us away?  Getting clarity on naming the trigger allows us to be in choice.  And now we can ask ourselves “Is this our truth?”  If it is not, we can replace it with a new truth that supports, nourishes and liberates us.   Lean more about this here

By interrupting the pattern of an emotional hijacking, we can redirect our energy toward growth.  This personal growth leads to our personal transformations.