Clearing Skin Age Spots Naturally With Extrapone Nutgrass and Cold Pressed Shea Butter

When it comes to lightening or clearing skin age spots are often the target. Other blemishes may seem minor when compared to something that has come to be synonymous with getting older. But, if you are seeing these things in the mirror, don't feel bad. They really have nothing to do with old age. They are primarily caused by the sun.

If that comes as a surprise, you might also be surprised to know that the sun contributes to wrinkling and sagging, as well. If you have ever seen someone with sun-damaged skin, you would understand. These people look ten or more years older than their actual age. With the research that has been made available to us, there is no reason for anyone to look older than they are and certainly no reason for anyone to look older than they feel.

Clearing skin age spots may have been difficult in the past for several reasons. For decades, medical research focused on finding drugs that could be produced synthetically. Most of the creams and lotions on the market still contain petrochemicals and other synthetic ingredients that are not beneficial to the skin's health.

While you may not think of the skin's appearance as medically relevant, it is. Practically all diseases will cause some change in a person's appearance. The first symptom of a number of nutritional deficiencies is dry, flaky skin.

Most of the knowledge that we have about anti-aging creams is due to medical research concerning diseases or cancer. Some of the ingredients that are no known to be effective for clearing skin age spots were initially created to relieve dermatitis, repair sun damage, reduce irritation or help prevent skin cancer. Here's a two step approach that will improve your skin's health and help you look younger, too.

Number one was already mentioned. That is to avoid the sun. When you do go out, use a zinc oxide sun-block on exposed areas. Try to stay in the shade and wear protective clothing. If you are a woman that wears makeup, look for a new line that contains zinc oxide and natural mineral colors. Just say no to the petrochemicals and mineral oils that cosmetic companies have been selling us for years. They made us look older, not younger.

Number two for clearing skin age spots is to use a nourishing lotion on a daily basis, both day and night. The ingredients to look for depend, somewhat, on what you want to accomplish. If you would like to achieve an overall lightening of your facial complexion, look for Extra-pone nut-grass root. It is all natural and non-irritating, but will start to lighten and even out pigmentation in as little as two weeks.

If you only want to fade a spot, not your whole complexion, use a night-cream that contains high quality cold-pressed Shea butter. It has proven effectiveness for clearing skin age spots in four to six weeks. It is also a wonderful moisturizer that softens and smoothes. There are other ingredients to look for, but that should give you a place to start.