Binaural sounds are sound frequencies that will stimulate certain parts of the brain when they are played using a set of headphones. When using a set of stereo headphones or earplugs one frequency is played in each ear and the brain is helped to become more efficient by encouraging it to change its own frequencies. These binaural sounds are normally embedded into other sounds such as music, wind sounds, or the sounds of the sea shore which makes them very convenient and easy to listen to. They can be played almost anywhere and at almost any time. Binaural sounds like this; two distinct sound frequencies are played, one in each ear using a set of stereo head phones or ear plugs. With other sounds mixed in, the brain then makes its own distinct frequency from the two it hears in stereo. This new distinct sound made by the brain is somewhat like a harmony and it will help the mind to train itself to become more efficient. These harmonic sounds can be manipulated to target various control centers of the brain, such as the one that control pain or emotional distress. Very often, these sounds will be used to help people to meditate and allow their minds to enter the desired state much easier and quicker. They can also be very helpful for those that are having problems sleeping. There are certain frequencies that are proven to target the section of the brain that controls sleep and can help to enable a deeper and relaxing sleep. It is not overly difficult or very expensive to listen to binaural sounds, sometimes you can find free ones on the web to download. It all depends on what a person is trying to accomplish, they can listen to a variety of recorded sounds, or just one song. The sounds and music that these frequencies are embedded in is so easy to listen to and very relaxing. They can be played anywhere and at any time of day and they can help to get a person through a stressful situation with very little effort on their part, usually they will not even need to think about what is stressing their lives. With binaural recordings people have the ability to relax anywhere and anytime because they can be taken almost any place that can be thought of. Once a person has the binaural recordings that person owns them forever and they can do whatever they like with them. That one factor alone is what makes them so popular today. |