Lsat February 2010: Anxiety About The Test? Stop Stressing And Read This!

As you no doubt already know, February 6th, 2010 is the final LSAT for 2010 law school admission season.  If you're set to take the test, you may be stressing as the test-taking date looms.

Don't worry, and read on... (or advance right over to )

Maybe you've been studying for months and you feel  well-prepared. Yeah, right...  No matter how long you've been prepping for the test (or if you haven't been studying at all, you probably feel woefully inadequate and underprepared.

It's only natural to feel this way: It's not an easy test, and there's a lot riding on it.   Many test-takers work themselves up into a frenzy the week before the LSAT, drilling themselves and generally going into mental melt-down mode.  Don't be one of those people!

This leads me to my two tips to a better score.

Tip 1)Stop studying!

As long as you know the general format of the test, there's no amount of practice you're going to learn in the next few days that is going to boost your score significantly.  On the contrary, if you don't get yourself into a relaxed state, you could suffer from burn-out and do worse!

Now, just because I'm telling you not to study does NOT mean that you should do nothing before the test.  There is one thing you can do that will almost certainly boost your score, even if you've done no studying at all -- it's my second tip...

Tip 2) Engage in positive affirmations

Before you think I've gone all new age on you, hear me out.  Studies have shown that when students take a test after discussing their positive attributes, their problem-solving abilities increase.  In other words, it's an instant IQ boost! It's much more important that you stop worrying about the details of the test, and start taking caring of your mental state.

You're like a professional athlete a day before the big game: You stop running drills and start prepping your mental state.  For help with this -- even if you have just days before the test -- go to right away.